Religious Education

Religious Education Overview

Ofsted; "Pupils are well behaved, polite and friendly.  Their understanding of different faiths, religions and different types of families is strong".


Our RE Coordinators are Mrs Mooney and Mr Meehan.

As a Catholic School, Religious Education is provided for all children and makes up 10% of the timetable.


'I am the vine; you are the branches.'

John 15:55 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit;'

At St Werburgh’s Catholic Primary School, we follow the 'Vine and Branches' in Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 and ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’ in EYFS, Y5 and 6. By September 2025, all year groups will follow the 'Vine and Branches'. Both schemes of work cover a wide range of essential theological content and gives our children a clear understanding of how learning about their faith will enrich their lives and the lives of others. 

The centrality and importance of the Mass is present throughout the teaching, and learners can explore this together in ways that are appropriate for each age group. The scheme of work presents children with meaningful activities, requiring a wide range of skills, which help to develop their religious understanding and knowledge and encourage their appreciation of Christ’s most wonderful gift to us

Our scheme of work is firmly rooted in scripture. It presents Catholicism as a World Church, open to the experience of other religions and it encourages learners to engage with and discuss the big issues in our world today. 

The Vine and The Branches is a new resource from the Teachers’ Enterprise in Religious Education. It helps teachers deliver the requirements of the 2023 edition of the Religious Education Directory. It is written in pupil friendly language with clear indications for the teacher to show where the Knowledge Lens content and Ways of Knowing are being covered. Each pupil book has many lively illustrations and stimulating activities.

Miss Flynn, the Headteacher or other members of senior staff lead whole school Celebration of the Word.  These take place every Monday and Friday to begin and end our week as a whole school with Our Lord.  Children are encouraged to bring their own prayers during these times and we pray together for each other, our families, our community and the wider world.

Members of the Parish are also invited to celebrate Mass with us in Church. During Lent and Advent, we host a range of celebrations including, Stations of the Cross, Key Stage One led Nativity and Key Stage Two Carol Service.

Year 3 is a particularly special year, as it is when the children make their Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as First Forgiveness) and receive the sacrament of the Eucharist (also known as First Holy Communion).  As a school, we serve the Catholic Community by preparing them for these sacraments.  Children of other faiths are invited to and included in our celebrations.

One of the core reasons for this is to promote respect of those different faiths and beliefs.  This is, of course, in line with fundamental British Values.