Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator
Mrs Sarah Dakin
SEND Coordinator
What kinds of SEND are provided for at St Werburgh’s?
St Werburgh’s is a mainstream Catholic Primary School that provides an education for all pupils aged 2-11. In line with our Mission Statement, we intend that the special educational needs of any child are identified and addressed at the earliest appropriate opportunity. We define a child as having ‘Special Educational Needs’ if, after considered and careful planning for differentiation, delivered through quality first teaching, their needs in one or more areas lie outside the established range for an individual cohort at St Werburgh’s.
We support children that demonstrate SEND within the four areas of need:
Communication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Social, emotional and mental health needs
Sensory and/or physical difficulties
How do we identify children and young people with SEND and how do we assess their needs?
We achieve early identification of SEND and continuously assess needs by:
Early contact with the parents of pre-school children and the external agencies involved.
Responding quickly to needs identified after admission, raised by all staff, parents/ carers and/or outside agencies.
By carefully monitoring in-house data on pupil progress and attainment throughout a child’s time at St Werburgh’s Catholic Primary School.
Liaising with specialist services.
More information regarding SEND support at St. Werburghs can be found below